Pre Production

While most of our work takes place on-site, depending on the project or client’s needs we might already produce something beforehand.



To visualize the end result, we create maquettes of the final design. The 3D modelling true to scale helps to better envision the product for ourselves as well as the client. In addition, it serves as a nice display item for our client’s facilities.




In order to ensure the requested look and feel of the rockwork, mock ups can be presented before a project commences. This way, it can be ensured that clients are satisfied and all parties are on the same page. Furthermore, it is the moment to determine any last minute changes.

Mock up


Pre-Production of primary structure

Depending on the requirements and the project, there is an option to already pre-produce parts of the primary structure in one of our warehouses. Generally, the construction work takes place on site, but if there are special requirements to the project, it might be beneficial to prepare parts in advance and transport them to the site. 
